

Resourceful Stewardship

When God gives Ruby’s Heart Ministries assets, we know He has someone who needs them. We have come to understand that our calling is to be a catalyst of stewardship. We are called to manage found treasures for his Kingdom’s purpose, and we acknowledge that we are never to lose sight that the “things” (or treasures as we like to call them) are simply conduits of demonstrating tangible, practical love.

Your tax-deductible financial or gift share donation is used to offset trucking, facility and operating expenses, as well as assisting with benevolence to those that need help getting food.  Your donation will support families in your communities by providing high quality foods to meet frugal food budgets. If you are looking if pre-registration is available for a site, please go to Find My Location.


Thank you for supporting Ruby’s Pantry. We are grateful to God for your love and generosity.



Ruby's Heart Turns Donations into Resources

"Our sanctuary shared the Ruby’s Pantry history DVD during our last distribution.  We sat in the front row and watched the entire story unfold. I have to tell you, it was pretty moving.  Everyone was quiet and paid attention to the entire presentation. After it was over, we got up to explain that the plan of salvation was not just for you or for Ruby, but for all of us as we’ve all fallen short of the glory of God.  Three people came forward to receive Christ, one of them being a nine year old boy. When he came back to be with his mother, she had tears in her eyes. We have him a new birth booklet and his mother told us that everyone in their family had been saved except for this little guy, but now the entire family knows Christ as their savior. The faith of your grandmother’s life continues to bear fruit not only in the natural world to bless people with food for their bodies, but also in the world of God’s Kingdom for a spiritual awakening for their souls. She is in that cloud of witnesses with her Lord and Savior cheering you and us on."

Pastor Paul Pfeffer, Grace Christian Church, Fond du Lac, WI


"My wife and I had our first experience with Ruby’s Pantry on May 22, 2018 and we want to say thank you so very much for your care of our communities and of humanity. It was such a relief and absolute blessing that we were able to experience your pantry and reep the reward which offered so much relief to our family that words do not justice. May God bless you, and all the people who work on this project especially the volunteers. My wife and I love you and wish you luck and we will help to spread the word of your mission. Thank you so much."


"They have made my life during a difficult time more bearable. The people are wonderful, pleasant and very helpful when you need it. Ruby's Pantry is truly a blessing for everyone."