To activate people in being alert to the needs of others and to be proactive in encouraging faith, showing friendship and meeting tangible needs of neighbors, friends and strangers regardless of race, religion or ethnicity.
What is Ruby’s Pantry?
As hundreds of people gather in churches or other locations, they have one thing in common. They are gathering to get food at a Ruby’s Pop-Up Pantry.
Ruby’s Pantry is for ANYONE that eats! There is no income or residency requirement and Ruby’s Pantry is for anyone looking to extend their monthly grocery budget. Each guest donates a $25 donation and receives an abundance of grocery items. Ruby’s Pantry is not government funded and is a 501 C3. Each donation is used to cover operational costs like trucking, gas, and warehouse staff. All of the food is donated by corporate food donors making it possible to reach more families each month at locations across Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa.